How Do I Get to the Roku Secret Menu

Many Roku users want to access the Secret Menu on their Roku device and are looking for the answer to the question How Do I Get to the Roku Secret Menu?

So if you are also one of those users, then you have come to the right place, in this article, you are going to get answers to all the questions related to Roku Secret Menu, so stay tuned till the end.

Related:- Do you know that channels can be hidden in Roku TV? Know how to do it.

What is the Roku Secret Menu

The Roku Secret Menu is used to view all the activities going on in the Roku device. Also, to improve your streaming experience, you can also do customizations according to your own by going to Roku’s secret settings.

Secret Menu allows you to check Battery level, device temperature, WiFi strength, Roku channels, resolution, screenshots, and other options

You can access hidden menus using the different Roku menu codes created by Roku.

The advantage of the Secret screen is that you can access certain settings of your device in a few seconds.

what is the secret menu on roku

How Do I Get to the Roku Secret Menu

Accessing the Roku Secret Menu on your Roku device is quite easy. All you have to do is press some specific button combinations one after the other on your Roku remote

Roku has prepared many code combinations for the convenience of the users so that its users do not have to spend much time accessing the menu of their choice.

Below we have told all the Secret Menu codes created by Roku, you can access the Secret Menu in a few moments according to your need.

Here is How to Access the Roku Secret menu:-

You will need a Roku remote or the Roku mobile app remote to access the Roku secret screen. Bring your Roku device to the home page before pressing the following remote shortcuts on the Roku remote:-

Step 1:- Go to the home screen of your Roku device

Step 2:- Next, on Roku remote press these buttons one after the other in this sequence:- home 5 times > Press 3 times fast forward button > Press 2 times Rewind button

Step 3:- Now you will have access to the secret screen, you can directly access the USB test, factory reset, and other menus.

Apart from this, there are other 8 Roku Secret menus that can be accessed by pressing the code mentioned below on your Roku remote.

Some Secret Menu Screens That Can Be Accessed on Roku DevicesCode to access Secret MenuWhat can you find in it
Secret Antenna menuHome (5x) > Fast forward > Rewind > Down, Fast forwardYou can see the real-time wifi signal  strength in the Roku device
Ad banners, and auto-pair settings.Up > Right > Down > Left > UpYou can manage Ad-related settings
To Reboot the RokuHome (5x) > Up > Rewind (2x) > Fast forward (2x)Instead of looking through your settings, you can reboot instantly.
Wifi Secret screenHome (5x), Up > Down > Up > Down > UpTo get signal strength and router information
To access USB test, Factory reset, Cycle channel store server, and other menusHome (5x) > Fast Forward (3x), Rewind (2x)To fix common device issues
Developer settings Home (3x) > Up (2x) > Right > Left > Right > Left > Right This option is made for the developer to test the app on Roku device
Bitrate Override screenHome (5x) > Rewind (3x) > Fast forward (2x)To fix problems with playing back data, you can change the rate of data manually.
Channel informationHome (3x) > Up (2x) > Left > Right > Left > Right > LeftYou can find out which version and build of a channel you’re using by checking its information.

What Does Roku Secret Menu do

It provides helpful information like the device temperature, CPU speed, and IP address. You can even access other menus from this hidden menu!

Roku hidden menu developer mode

To access developer mode, press these buttons one by one on the Roku remote: Home (3x) > Up (2x) > Right > Left > Right > Left > Right

Roku’s secret menu for disable ads

To go to the secret menu to disable ads in Roku, press the following buttons on your Roku remote:- the home button five times then the up arrow, right arrow, down arrow, left arrow, and up arrow once more

Bhavic Gedekar
Bhavic Gedekar

My name is Bhavic Gadekar. I am a technology enthusiast because I am fascinated by how innovative gadgets and devices are changing our world. I've loved tinkering with electronics and learning how things work. As I grew older, my passion for technology only increased. I enjoy learning new technology-related things and teaching others, so I figured, why not share the solutions through my writing? Besides writing, you'll often find me experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen.

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