How to get MeTV on Roku – Quick way

You are going to know about How to get MeTV on Roku in this blog. MeTV is known for airing a variety of classic television programs. Weigel Broadcasting owns this television network.

During the 1950s and early 1990s, the classic TV shows broadcast by this channel were very much liked by the audience.

Even now, many people want to watch traditional TV shows of that era, and for them, this channel, MeTV, is the best source to enjoy those shows again.

The app for this channel is no longer available on the Roku Channel Store; however, Roku users can still watch this channel on their Roku devices.

Stay in this blog till the end; we will see in detail the answer to how to watch the MeTV channel on Roku.

Related:- Add SYFY channel to Roku TV and enjoy science fiction, fantasy shows.

How to watch MeTV on Roku

There is currently no app called MeTV on the Roku Channel Store where you can watch all the classic television programs of MeTV, but Frndly TV is the channel available to download and install on the Roku Channel Store.

You can watch the MeTV channel on Frndly TV, allowing you to install the Frndly TV channel on your Roku device. This way, you can enjoy all MeTV shows on your Roku device.

If you already have a Frndly TV subscription, you can quickly start watching MeTV shows by installing the channel on your Roku device.

If you do not have a subscription to Frndly TV, then you have to buy a paid subscription to Frndly TV, which is available only for $6.99 per month.

Steps to Add Frndly TV Channel to Roku Device to Watch MeTV:-

1.) Visit the home page of the Roku TV screen

2.) Now scroll down the menu on the home screen and select the Streaming Channels option.

3.) Tab on the Search option and search by typing “Frndly TV” in it.

Now, the Frndly TV channel will appear in the searched channel list. Please open it and select the option of Add Channel.

5.) Wait for Frndly TV to download and install; once installed, launch Frndly TV and follow the instructions.

You can watch MeTV on this channel after the Frndly TV activation process.

Which are the paid streaming channels in which MeTV shows are shown?

Apart from Friendly TV, there is a channel on which shows of MeTV are shown.

  • Philo TV

How can I get MeTV on Roku for free

Some other channels are also available which show some shows of MeTV for free, and the name of some of those selected channels is:-

  • TUBI – Free Movies & TV

These are some channels available on Roku in which some shows of MeTV are shown for free; Pluto TV is the top name among these channels, in which 20 plays out of a total of more than 50 shows of MeTV are shown on this channel for free.

The names of some of the popular shows on MeTV shown for free on these four channels are as follows:-

  • Batman
  • Dragnet
  • The Andy Griffith Show
  • The Dick Van Dyke Show
  • The Honeymooners

Apart from this, there are other shows shown on these four channels; we suggest you install all four gutters on your Roku device so that you can easily watch MeTV shows for free on your Roku device anytime.

A table giving information about which shows of MeTV are shown on which free channels:-

Alfred Hitchcock PresentsAlfred Hitchcock Presents
Barnaby Jones
Bugs Bunny and Friends
Carol Burnett and Friends
Full House
Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.
Green AcresGreen AcresGreen Acres
Have Gun, Will Travel
Highway Patrol
Hogan’s Heroes
In the Heat of the NightIn the Heat of the NightIn the Heat of the Night
Kolchak: The Night Stalker
Land of the Giants
Leave It to BeaverLeave It to Beaver
Lost in Space
Mission ImpossibleMission Impossible
My Three Sons
Perry MasonPerry MasonPerry Mason
Peter GunnPeter GunnPeter GunnPeter Gunn
Petticoat JunctionPetticoat JunctionPetticoat JunctionPetticoat Junction
Popeye and Pink Panther’s Party
Saved by the Bell
Star Trek: Original
Classic Horror & Sci-Fi Movie
The A-TeamThe A-Team
The Alfred Hitchcock Hour
The Andy Griffith ShowThe Andy Griffith Show
The Best of the Ed Sullivan ShowThe Best of the Ed Sullivan Show
The Beverly HillbilliesThe Beverly HillbilliesThe Beverly HillbilliesThe Beverly Hillbillies
The Big Valley
The Dick Van Dyke ShowThe Dick Van Dyke ShowThe Dick Van Dyke ShowThe Dick Van Dyke ShowThe Dick Van Dyke Show
The FlintstonesThe Flintstones
The FugitiveThe Fugitive
The HoneymoonersThe HoneymoonersThe Honeymooners
The Invaders
The Jetsons
The RiflemanThe RiflemanThe RiflemanThe RiflemanThe Rifleman
The Three StoogesThe Three StoogeThe Three Stooge
The Time Tunnel
The Tom and Jerry Show
The Twilight ZoneThe Twilight Zone
The WaltonsThe Waltons

Toon In With Me
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
Wagon Train
Wanted: Dead or AliveWanted: Dead or AliveWanted: Dead or Alive

The schedule of the MeTV network may change in the future, due to which the program of the mentioned shows may also change; we will try our best to update this table from time to time.

The best practice to find shows across the multiple channels

There will be a question in your mind: out of all these channels, how do I watch my favourite shows on a Roku device in a quick way?

This is a straightforward way; you just have to understand the steps given below, after which you will be able to easily watch MeTV’s shows available for free on your Roku device.

#1) Go to the Roku home screen, scroll down to the bottom of the menu and tap on the Search option.

#2) Now search for your favourite shows using the on-screen keyboard or voice control in Roku’s Search feature

#3) The search example: assumes the show “Alfred Hitchcock Presents”. As soon as you search for the show, you will get a list of free and paid channels in which this show will be available.

#4) Now select the free channel from the given channel list and watch your favourite show

Where to watch MeTV on Roku

You Can Watch the MeTV Low Price Frndly TV Channel. This Channel Is Available To Add To Roku Channel Store

Why can’t I get MeTV on my Roku

The MeTV app is not currently available on the Roku Channel Store.

How to watch MeTV without cable on Roku

You can watch MeTV on Frndly TV or Philo TV, available on the Roku channel store.

What channel is MeTV on Roku Live TV

MeTV shows classic television programs that were demonstrated on TV during the years 1950s and early 1990s; this channel is still available to watch on Roku; for this, you have to resort to Frndly TV or Philo TV.


We have learned about How to get MeTV on Roku in this blog. We hope you can access the MeTV channel on your Roku device.

Bhavic Gedekar
Bhavic Gedekar

My name is Bhavic Gadekar. I am a technology enthusiast because I am fascinated by how innovative gadgets and devices are changing our world. I've loved tinkering with electronics and learning how things work. As I grew older, my passion for technology only increased. I enjoy learning new technology-related things and teaching others, so I figured, why not share the solutions through my writing? Besides writing, you'll often find me experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen.

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