Top 6 Solutions Firestick not working on Roku TV

Firestick not working on Roku TV This problem happens to very few Roku users. One of the features of Roku TV is that you can also connect other external devices to it.

And when using this feature, users want to use Firestick on their Roku TV to watch new content, and to do so, they connect the device to their Roku TV through the HDMI option. But sometimes their Firestick fails to connect to Roku TV

So if this problem is happening to you, then you do not need to worry, we will see its 6 possible reasons and its solution, so stay in this article till the end.

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Why is Firestick not working on TCL Roku TV?

There can be many reasons for Firestick not working in Roku TV, such as software glitches or any other device-related problem, if it is only due to a normal software glitch, then you can fix it in a few seconds. Unplug it from the power source for a few seconds and then plug it back in.

Maybe your problem can be solved through a simple reboot, if still, this problem persists then you should adopt the following measures.

How to get my Firestick to work on my Roku TV

Fire stick won’t work on Roku tv If this problem persists with you, then you should adopt the following measures in order:-

1.) Rebooting the Firestick and Roku TV

The rebooting process is also commonly called a soft reset; how it is done, as we have seen above, in brief, is the process of unplugging the devices. If you have done this process then you can skip this point.

As we have seen, this process fixes Firestick not working on Roku TV problem caused by normal software glitches in a matter of seconds.

So follow the steps given below to soft reset your Firestick and Roku TV:-

  • To soft reset your Firistic, press and hold the Select and Play/Pause buttons of the Firestick remote together for 5 seconds, your Firestick will automatically complete the restart process.
  • If this Firestick remote soft reset process is not working, then unplug the power plug of your Firestick remote from the wall socket for 30 seconds and then plug it back in.

Procedure to soft reset Roku TV:-

  • To soft reset, your Roku TV follow this setting:- Settings > System > Power > System Restart > Select Restart option
  • If for some reason you cannot follow this setting in Roku TV, then you can remove the power plug of the Roku TV from the wall socket for 30 seconds, and then plug it back; this will also complete the process of soft reset.

If your problem is not solved even by soft reset, then see the steps below.

2.) Check the power connection

In some cases, due to a power connection, there may be a problem in connecting your Firestick to Roku TV. This problem is possible with both Roku TV and Firestick devices’ power cables, and for this reason, you should check the power cable of your Roku and Firestick devices.

Check the power cables of both devices thoroughly to see if there is a break in between. If the cable breaks somewhere, then it will not give a steady power supply to the devices and as a result, you will be unable to connect your Firestick to Roku TV.

3.) Check the HDMI cable and TV’s HDMI port  

The connection between Firestick and TV is established through HDMI cable, so if there is any fault in this HDMI cable, then your Firestick will not be able to connect to the Roku device, then check the HDMI cable once.

If your HDMI cable is brand new and you are sure that there is no problem with your cable, then you should check the HDMI port of your TV; maybe you have mistakenly not properly connected the Firestick’s HDMI cable to the TV port.

 Use another HDMI Port

The TV has more than one HDMI port, if you are using Firestick 4K, then it is possible that the HDMI port to which you have connected your Firestick in the TV does not support full HD resolution 720p or 1080p with a refresh rate of 60 or 50 Hz.

You should try connecting your Firestick to another HDMI port in the TV for this.

4.) Check the update

It is possible that your Firestick needs an update and that is why your Firestick is not responding even after connecting to the Roku TV. So try updating Firistic once.

Also, check the update of your Roku TV; it is possible that your Roku TV is also not updated.

5.) Connect and test other smart devices with Roku TV

Try connecting another device with your TVs, such as Chromecast or Roku; if this device is able to connect with your TV, then this problem may be with your Firestick, it needs to be troubleshot.

If other devices are also unable to connect to the TV, then you should check the firmware update of your TV, if it is already updated, then you should think about a hard reset.

6.) Factory reset

If you have tried all the above measures and still your Firestick is not able to connect to the TV, then you should try factory resetting your Roku TV and Firestick once.

Follow this setting to factory reset Roku TV:-

  • Before factory resetting Roku TV, keep one thing in mind factory reset deletes all the data you have entered into the Roku device.
  • Follow these settings on the Roku screen using the Roku remote to perform a factory reset:- Settings > System > Advanced system settings > select Factory reset everything option

If Firestick is not working properly on TV, then you should follow the steps given below for a factory reset of the Firestick. :-

  • Before factory resetting Firestick, know one thing your Firestick login credentials will be deleted by factory reset.
  • To factory reset, follow this procedure in the remote of Firestick: – Press and hold the right side button and the back button of the remote simultaneously for 10 seconds, on the screen you will see the notification of reset to factory default, select the OK option.


In this article, we have seen 6 possible solutions for Firestick not working on Roku TV problem. Apart from these solutions, you should also check your internet connectivity once, it may be that due to slow internet, Firestick is not working on Roku TV.

Why is my Firestick not working on my Roku tv

There can be many reasons for this, to solve this, try soft resetting your firestick and TV and check your HDMI cable connection once.

Firestick remote not working on the Roku tv

Check the Firestick remote batteries, it is possible that the remote not working due to low battery, you can use the amazon fire tv app on your mobile phone as a remote for the Firestick.

Bhavic Gedekar
Bhavic Gedekar

My name is Bhavic Gadekar. I am a technology enthusiast because I am fascinated by how innovative gadgets and devices are changing our world. I've loved tinkering with electronics and learning how things work. As I grew older, my passion for technology only increased. I enjoy learning new technology-related things and teaching others, so I figured, why not share the solutions through my writing? Besides writing, you'll often find me experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen.

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