User Posts: Rokuadvice
How to Clear Roku Search History in YouTube: Quick Guide for a Fresh Start

Many users give importance to their privacy, which is very important when talking about the search history of the social media platform YouTube. Be it a ...

Browsing All Comments By: Rokuadvice
  1. Please search DigBurrow instead of Burrow TV they have changed the name of Burrow TV to DigBurrow

  2. The Burrow channel has changed its name again; this time, you will know the Burrow channel by the name TruthTide. While searching this channel, you must pay attention to the fact that you must search by giving space between Truth and Tide.

  3. No you can’t do this you have to keep your device on

  4. The Freevee Channel app is still available on the Roku Channel Store. Search “Freevee” on the Roku Channel Store. You will find this channel in the Suggested Channels section.

    If you still can’t find it, soft reset your Roku device and then search for the channel.

Roku Advisor