Like many Roku users, I also found that the device starts restarting independently. It is a problem that bothers me a lot when I am watching my favourite show, and like me, many users are also troubled by this problem.
This issue usually occurs due to device overheating. Roku devices have an internal mechanism that automatically restarts the device in such situations.
Apart from this, if there is any problem with your device’s power source, then this is also a reason we cannot rule it out.
Apart from these, I have also identified other reasons that cause this problem of constant restart in this device.
In this article, we will understand all those problems and their solutions in detail, so stay tuned till the end.
Common Causes of Roku Restarts
According to my experience, there are some selected factors for which your Roku device is restarting repeatedly, and we have to find out those reasons.
1.) Software Update Issues
Roku devices regularly send firmware updates, similar to how our cell phones receive them. If your device does not accept new updates for any reason, it will be unable to resolve the bugs in the device’s software, leading to restart problems.
Apart from this, if you found that the problem of rapid restart started after the firmware update, it could be due to compatibility issues of the firmware with the device.
2.)Power Supply Interruptions
The Roku device supplies its power with the help of a power adapter. Apart from this, the device also has the facility to connect to the TV’s USB port for power.
Suppose your device’s power adapter is faulty or its cable is broken. In that case, it will be unable to provide a proper power supply to the device, resulting in the device experiencing a restart problem.
Similarly, if you have connected the device to the TV’s USB port for power, then if sufficient power supply is not available from the TV, this can also be the reason.
When I use one, I check to ensure the power adapter is correctly plugged in and the power strip is functioning.
3.) Overheating Problems
If your device is located where it is difficult for air to flow, it will lead to overheating issues and will result in frequent restarts of your device.
Apart from this, if you have left the device on for a long time, it will also heat the device; by keeping it on, I mean that you still need to switch off the device from the wall power socket completely.
To prevent this, I keep my Roku where air can circulate freely.
4.) Network and Connectivity Issues
If your device’s internet connection is not stable, this is another possible reason for the device restarting frequently.
In case of any network issues caused by the home internet router, the device will automatically restart to re-establish the connection.
I troubleshoot my network by checking the router and the Wi-Fi signal to ensure that it’s not the cause of the problem.
Why Does my Roku keep Restarting Itself [Troubleshooting Steps]
When my Roku device keeps restarting, I know there are several areas that require immediate attention. I methodically evaluate system updates, external connections, power supply, and network settings.
1.) Checking for System Updates
My first step is to ensure the Roku device has the latest software. I navigate to Settings > System > System Update and check for any available updates.
Ensuring the device’s firmware is up to date can resolve many issues that might cause restarting.
2.) Examining External Connections
Double-check all the connections between your Roku device and your smart TV.
If there is a cable break in any connection type, this is also a possible reason for your Roku device to restart repeatedly.
You should also check the HDMI cable connecting your device and smart TV correctly. Internally broken or damaged HDMI cable is one of the leading causes of the problem.
I also look at the USB port to rule out any connectivity problems which could be causing power interruptions.
You also have to keep these factors in mind when using your device. If you have an external USB drive attached to the device, remove it, restart your Roku device, and check.
3.) Inspecting Power Supply Units
I then assess the power supply. I’ve learned that external factors, such as an unstable power source, can lead to a cycle of restarts.
It’s important to confirm that the power adapter and outlet are supplying consistent power and that there are no signs of damage or power issues.
If you are using a Roku streaming device and have your device connected to your TV’s USB port to power it, you must power the device using the power adapter that comes with the Roku device.
In some cases, it has been observed that the TV’s USB port cannot supply sufficient power to the streaming device, causing the problem of frequent restarting of Roku.
4.) Assessing Network Settings
Finally, I scrutinize the network settings. I check the Wi-Fi or wired internet connection to ensure my Roku device maintains a stable link.
It is pretty easy to check the WiFi network connectivity in your Roku device. By following these settings in your Roku device, you can ensure that you are getting consistent, stable, robust internet connectivity on your device or not.
- Press the Home button on your Roku remote.
- Now, tap on “Settings” option
- Choose “Network” option
- Pick “Check connection.”
If your Roku device is not connected to the network, then the option “Check connection” will not appear. Apart from this, you will get the option of “Set up connection”.
If the device has internet connectivity, then you can check the signal strength by following these settings in your Roku device: – Settings > Network > About.
If you find that your device is not getting strong internet connectivity, then it may be that your router is too far from the device or there are more devices connected to the router.
5.) Channel and App Management
Sometimes, a specific channel app may also cause Roku to restart repeatedly.
If you recently installed a third-party app on your Roku device and have since noticed frequent restarts of your Roku device, it may be due to that problematic app.
Third-Party Apps: If you know of third-party apps not optimized for Roku, you should remove them.
After removing the app, restart the Roku device once and check. Regularly updating other channel apps in Roku is also necessary for a smooth experience.
6.) Factory Reset Procedure
If you have tried every method and still have the problem of the device restarting repeatedly, you can try hard resetting your Roku.
One thing you need to remember before doing a hard reset is that it will bring your Roku back to the same state as when you first purchased the device, meaning all the data you have added will be removed, including your Roku account.
- To perform a Factory Reset, navigate to the Home > Settings menu on my Roku device.
- Select System followed by the Advanced System Settings option.
- Then choose Factory Reset.
7.) Contacting Roku Support
If the issue with your Roku keeps restarting even after following all the troubleshooting steps, then I suggest you talk to the official Roku support centre about this.
My name is Bhavic Gadekar. I am a technology enthusiast because I am fascinated by how innovative gadgets and devices are changing our world. I've loved tinkering with electronics and learning how things work. As I grew older, my passion for technology only increased. I enjoy learning new technology-related things and teaching others, so I figured, why not share the solutions through my writing? Besides writing, you'll often find me experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen.